Green For All
We dream of a world beyond pollution. We work for cleaner air and water, affordable energy, and good jobs for all.
We dream of a world
beyond pollution. We
work to win cleaner air
and water, affordable
energy, and good jobs
for all.
Green For All
We dream of a world beyond pollution. We work to win cleaner air and water, affordable energy, and good jobs for all.
The climate crisis threatens all of us, but those most impacted are often left out of solutions.
The Green For All program works to ensure that, as the green economy grows, all communities will benefit from good jobs, better health, and increased opportunity. Together, we dream of a healthy, sustainable future that is green for all, not green for some.

We're working to ensure that historic climate funding benefits communities that need it most. By uplifting disadvantaged communities and creating green career pathways for underrepresented talent, we can build an inclusive green economy that creates environmental and economic benefits for everyone.
What we’re working on:
Climate Investments
Transformative Communities
Climate Advocacy
Entrepreneurs Network
Climate Investments

The green transition is an unprecedented opportunity to bridge the racial wealth gap by moving money to communities most impacted by poverty and pollution and through Black and Brown businesses, creating a more equitable and inclusive green economy.

Our goal is to ensure that at least 40% of federal climate funding benefits disadvantaged communities across the country, with at least 15% of those investments flowing through minority-owned green businesses. We're working to achieve that goal by collaborating with federal agencies, state governments, and financial institutions to build programs and partnerships that uplift communities most impacted by climate change. 

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Transformative Communities

The Inflation Reduction Act provides a historic opportunity to transform communities most impacted by climate change into places of sustainable economic growth. However, even though record levels of climate funding are now available, many disadvantaged communities lack the resources and capacity they need to be able to apply for grants and assemble teams for climate projects. Our mission is to help community-based institutions in low-income disadvantaged communities (LIDACs) identify qualified infrastructure projects and prepare them to compete & win climate funding. 

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We're partnering with disadvantaged communities across the country to change that. Through advocacy, technical assistance, and capacity-building, we're bringing together local governments, community-based organizations, and minority-owned businesses to apply for funding and build out projects that create environmental and economic benefits for the local community.

Apply to be a Transformative Communities Partner


Climate Advocacy

Without decision making that prioritizes equity, America’s future is at risk of only being green for some. That’s why Dream.Org is actively working on Capitol Hill to elevate the stories of disadvantaged communities and advocate for policies and programs that address environmental problems and create economic opportunity.

Engaging both sides of the aisle, we bring people together to find common ground and advance bipartisan solutions to the climate crisis. Our biggest priorities for 2024 are advocating for bipartisan permitting reform and defending the $27 billion Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (GGRF). 

Learn more about the GGRF


Entrepreneurs Network

Building an inclusive green economy will take more than deploying climate solutions in disadvantaged communities. By investing in BIPOC genius, we can create work and wealth opportunities for communities of color while unlocking innovative solutions to address complex problems that impacted communities face.

The Dream Entrepreneurs Network is a diverse group of innovators who are using their lived experience to transform communities most impacted by climate change and mass incarceration. Our goal is to build and support a pipeline of 100 minority-owned climate entrepreneurs to become stewards of historic climate investments, capturing $50B+ in economic benefits over the next 10 years.

The future starts with a dream.
The future starts with us.
Black woman standing in front of protestors.