Fight For EQUAL
After decades of inequity, let's finally make things right.
In America, one form of cocaine can land you behind bars for years, while the other form could get you a slap on the wrist.
Crack cocaine and powder cocaine are two forms of the same drug, yet under federal law, we do not impose the same harsh penalties for each. One gram of crack cocaine carries the same sentence as 18 grams of powder cocaine.
The sentencing disparity between powder and crack cocaine has disproportionately affected communities of color and has resulted in unjust drug sentences, tearing families apart.
The sentencing disparity between powder and crack cocaine has disproportionately affected communities of color and has resulted in unjust drug sentences, tearing families apart.
The Eliminating a Quantifiably Unjust Application of the Law (EQUAL) Act would create 1:1 penalties for crack and powder cocaine, eliminating the disparity in federal sentencing, bringing thousands home from prison and shortening future sentences.
Help end this unfair sentencing discrepancy and urge Congress to pass the EQUAL Act!
TAKE ACTIONHelp end this unfair sentencing discrepancy and urge Congress to pass the EQUAL Act!
End Racist Sentencing Disparities
Passing the EQUAL Act will bring thousands of people serving disparate sentences home from federal prison, reunite families and send a strong message that in America we believe in equal justice under the law.
Safer Communities
People who returned home on drug charges after implementation of the First Step Act recidivated at a rate of 12.8%, a rate much lower than the general BOP recidivism rate of 43%. The First Step Act made the reduction from 100:1 to 18:1 in the Fair Sentencing Act of 2010 retroactive.
Bipartisan Support
The EQUAL Act passed the House of Representative on 9/28/2021 on a vote of 361-66. In the Senate, the bill had 11 Republican co-sponsors but did not make it to a vote before the end of session.
Two years later, we still need you in this fight.
Until Congress passes the bill, thousands of people will remain behind bars.