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Kyle Kammien
Policy Director, Green For All

In his role, Kyle Kammien leads Dream.org’s green policy work at the national level and manages campaigns seeking to create a healthy, sustainable future that is green for all. He brings nearly a decade of experience as a policy and government affairs professional. Prior to joining Dream.org, Kyle worked to advance durable, meaningful climate solutions as Manager of Stakeholder Engagement and Government Affairs at Citizens’ Climate Lobby. Previously, he managed the Political Action Committee and grassroots engagement for The Home Depot as Manger, Government Affairs and PAC. He has had a lifelong passion for the environment and takes as many opportunities to explore as he can. Kyle is originally from St. Louis, MO and currently resides in Washington, DC. He holds a B.S. in Business Administration and Economics from Saint Louis University and a J.D. from The George Washington University Law School, with a concentration in Energy Law.
As seen in Triple Pundit.
As seen in Triple Pundit.