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Katherine Young
Senior Director of Development
Katherine Young has worked to advance social justice and increase opportunities for underserved populations throughout her career. Prior to joining Dream.org, she was a senior analyst at a public opinion research firm, designing and managing data collection projects to elect female and minority candidates, improve government services, keep businesses and government agencies accountable to public opinion, and pass measures to increase funding for schools and affordable housing. Katherine also has three years of experience in nonprofit funding for organizations supporting low income-youth. She first worked in the development department for Café Reconcile, a nonprofit preparing young people from distressed communities in New Orleans for employment in the culinary/hospitality sector; followed by a role as grantwriter for Junior Achievement, which provides programs of economic empowerment, financial literacy, and workplace skills to Bay Area students at no cost. Katherine has a Masters in International Affairs with an emphasis in Nonprofit Management from the School of Global Policy and Strategy at the University of California, San Diego, where she also received a Bachelors of Arts in Political Science.
The future starts with a dream.
The future starts with us.
A woman laughing