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J Alexandria Hunt-Garcia
Digital Community Organizer

J Alexandria Hunt-Garcia is the Digital Community Organizer at Dream.org JUSTICE. Before joining Dream.org, J worked closely with ACLU of Arizona Smart Justice as a volunteer to drive criminal justice reform in Arizona, with a heavy focus on women’s rights within the carceral system. Through expert relationship building with even the most unlikely allies J has worked fiercely to fight against mass incarceration. J uses her eleven years of personal experience in the criminal legal system to fuel her passion for change. With five years spent in prison J uses her experiences and expertise to change hearts and minds. J is currently working towards a degree in Non-Profit Management and Leadership through Rio Salado College. J also serves as Secretary of the Board of Directors & Legislative Coordinator at Arizonans For Transparency and Accountability in Corrections, driving independent oversight legislation that would institute transparency and accountability in the ADCRR and increase public safety while ensuring proper care for the incarcerated.