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Emmanuel Mammah
Senior Digital Campaigner

Emmanuel cultivated a profound sense of civic responsibility from an early age. His political engagement began at just four years old, making him the youngest registered volunteer nationwide for John Kerry's Presidential campaign.
In 2018, freshly out of high school, Emmanuel moved to Florida, keen to advance his passion for civic participation by supporting mid-term voter registration initiatives. His exceptional performance soon saw him climb the ranks to Deputy State Data Director.
Balancing his pursuit of a Computer Science degree at CU Boulder, Emmanuel collaborated with a D.C. based consulting firm during his breaks. There, he served as Deputy Field Director, contributing to numerous high-profile political campaigns across the U.S. Some of his contributions include Andrew Gillum's Florida Gubernatorial campaign, Stephen Daniel's Congressional run in Texas, and Amy Klobuchar's Presidential Primary campaign across states including New York, Pennsylvania, Mississippi, Indiana, Minnesota, North Carolina, and Nevada.
Currently, Emmanuel pioneers digital engagement strategies at Dream.org as a Digital Campaigner. He is leading innovative projects such as the creation of an AI-integrated virtual study group, developing mentorship programs, and executing multi-tiered campaign engagement plans. Combining his computer science expertise with his knack for civic engagement, Emmanuel continues to foster an inclusive, tech-empowered community.