Transformative Communities Offerings

As part of the Transformative Communities program, Dream.Org provides technical assistance offerings to local stakeholders to ready their community-supported climate infrastructure projects for deployment by helping build capacity and readiness for the unprecedented climate investments made available through the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and other federal climate investments. Below is a menu of offerings that are deployed based on the unique context and needs of the community. Dream.Org is committed to ensuring that federal climate investment in the U.S. goes to the people and places most impacted by poverty and pollution.

Partner Application
Project Planning and Implementation
  • Technical Assistance Grants: Dream.Org has a targeted fund to regrant to local partners in order to help provide added capacity. Capacity building efforts are tailored to the needs of the community or entity, this may include: support for added staff capacity, support for planning, etc. We are regranting on a rolling basis throughout the year as opportunities arise and community plans progress. 
  • Grant Writing Support: The Transformative Communities team partners with grant writers to support communities looking to submit federal grant applications. Our goal is to ensure that community groups have access to trusted grant writers to lessen the burden of  individual grant writer searches.
  • Capacity Building Fellowship Program: The Transformative Communities Fellowship Program aims to enhance Community-Based Organization’s (CBO) capacity to draw down climate funds, advance climate projects, and/or increase community support/knowledge of climate projects. CBOs enlist a local community member as a Fellow to augment their capacity based on their needs and in support of advancing climate projects.  
  • Project Readiness Assessments for Community-led Climate Infrastructure Projects: The Transformative Communities team has partnered with HR&A Advisors to support communities looking to move forward on climate infrastructure projects. Project Readiness Assessments are performed to evaluate projects and chart a pathway to readiness for federal grant application. Projects are evaluated on impact, technical preparedness, governance, financial planning, and permitting.  
  • Project Implementation for Community-led Climate Infrastructure Projects: This is the next phase following a Project Readiness Assessment. In collaboration with HR&A, we transition to implementation support, collaborating with organizations to pinpoint barriers alongside project leaders and providing guidance to overcome them.
  • Connecting Stakeholders to Financing Opportunities: Community-level projects require capital investment to cross the finish line. By connecting major financial institutions, community development financial institutions, and foundations–as well as green financial institutions such as green banks–Dream.Org assists communities in gaining access to the necessary resources and capital to ensure climate infrastructure projects come to fruition. 
Stakeholder Collaboration
  • Climate Justice Convenings: Dream.Org brings together local, regional, and national stakeholders in order to advance community-supported climate infrastructure projects. By building meaningful bridges across unlikely allies, we aim to bring diverse perspectives into the same room in pursuit of federal climate investments to create tangible, climate action that benefits real people and communities.
  • Power Partner Weeks: This work begins in and with communities. Power Partner Weeks are designed to engage in one-on-one meetings with community partners in their communities. Through these conversations our goal is to gain insight into the strengths, obstacles, and priorities unique to the community and help to identify climate infrastructure opportunities and next steps. These insights also allow us to continue to cater our Technical Assistance Offerings to meet under-resourced organization’s needs as it relates to building out climate projects in their communities.
Investing in Community Power
  • Community Organizing Assistance: At, we utilize a Distributed Organizing model that focuses on relationship building and leadership development in underserved and disadvantaged communities. Our community organizing support aims to equip individuals with the tools and resources for leadership and workforce development, enabling them to contribute to solutions and foster a more inclusive world for everyone.  
  • Narrative and Storytelling Work: Dream.Org believes that narrative change is a powerful mechanism for social change. Dream.Org utilizes its national communications capacity to uplift local, on-the-ground climate efforts and leadership that have been engaging in this transformative work for years. 
  • Information on Federal Funding Opportunities: Our monthly newsletter, The Green Spotlight, highlights grant opportunities, technical assistance resources, and events specifically geared towards Community Based Organizations (CBOs) across the US. Our aim is to increase accessibility of these resources to benefit community organizations by compiling them into this easy to read newsletter.
  • Uplifting Black and Brown Entrepreneurs: To build an inclusive green economy we are tapping into the talent pools that exist in Black and Brown communities. Dream.Org works to remove barriers, unlock potential, and build generational wealth in communities of color by ensuring that contracts are awarded to diverse-owned businesses such as those of the Dream Entrepreneurs Network, our network of minority-owned businesses that will serve as preferred partners on community-supported climate infrastructure projects.
Transformative Communities Benefits: What Do Communities Gain?

In addition to the environmental, health, and economic benefits of climate infrastructure projects, communities benefit from Transformative Communities offerings by gaining:

  • A Robust Network: Communities that participate in Dream.Org’s Transformative Communities offerings gain access to a robust network of national, regional, and local champions of climate equity work. Local actors have the opportunity to share, exchange learnings, and best practices, with other communities across the country. 
  • Cross-Sectoral Relationships: Equitable climate work does not happen in silos. Partnerships across sectors–especially public-private partnerships–are critical to unlocking the vast potential of the historic federal climate dollars in the Inflation Reduction Act. By participating in Transformative Communities offerings, local communities forge relationships with key actors across the private sector, government, and advocacy.
  • Access to Expertise: By plugging into this network of climate champions, partners, and allies, local communities can connect with leading experts in climate infrastructure and community development. This expertise facilitates the pursuit of future projects and sustains community-level transformation. 
  • Dream.Org Programmatic Resources: Dream.Org’s work spans several issue areas, including criminal justice and tech equity. Communities and local actors gain access to the full programmatic resources of Dream.Org’s national work, allowing them to plug into opportunities across Dream.Org’s Green For All, Justice, and Tech. initiatives.
The future starts with a dream.
The future starts with us.
Black woman standing in front of protestors.