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The Green Tea - November 2022

November 20, 2022

Representatives from the Green For All team host bipartisan conversations at COP27 earlier this month

What's new with the Green For All team?

Climate change is one of our toughest global challenges. And as we recently witnessed at COP27, finding equitable solutions is often more difficult than we imagine – especially since those who contribute least to climate change are most impacted by it. 

We're working to change that. Since the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act, the Green For All team at Dream.Org has been developing strategies to ensure historic climate investments reach communities that need them most. We are excited to share our 2023 areas of focus for uplifting communities impacted by poverty and pollution – so that as the green economy grows, all communities will benefit from good jobs, better health, and increased opportunities.

Now that billions of climate and infrastructure dollars have been approved, we need to work together with federal, state, and local governments to ensure that money goes to where it is needed most. Together, we can make the solutions to climate change an opportunity to invest in the communities most impacted by it. 

Our 10-Year Goal

Our Approach

As federal agencies design programs and states allocate Inflation Reduction Act funds, not all communities will know how to access these resources – especially for underresourced communities who are most in need of those investments. In addition, Black and Brown businesses will not be well-positioned to compete for contracts.

That’s why the Green For All team will intercede at federal, state, and local levels to shape how investments are allocated while providing needed assistance to impacted communities so that climate benefits create health & wealth for those who have historically been left out. 

Federal and State Advocacy

On the federal level, our policy team will help hold the Biden Administration accountable for delivering on Justice40 while working with federal agencies to shape program design and execution. In 2023 alone, we will drive billions in equitable outcomes for Black and Brown communities. We will also work to infuse economic equity into federal initiatives to unlock lucrative green opportunities for minority-owned businesses. Read more about our federal policy recommendations here

On the state level, our campaign team will work in priority states to pass legislation that will direct climate investments toward disadvantaged communities and create streamlined processes for accessing funds. We will also create and distribute an Inflation Reduction Act Equity Toolkit to educate state decision-makers on key considerations for allocating funds to underserved communities.

Transformative Communities

Our community team will work with 25  geographically and politically diverse disadvantaged communities to deploy inclusive clean energy projects starting with 10 in 2023. We will offer technical assistance to local stakeholders and elected officials to identify projects and develop competitive proposals for federal investments. We will provide financial support to ensure impacted groups have a seat at the table.

Green Jobs & Entrepreneurship

By including Black and Brown communities in solutions development and making changes to the structural economic barriers, we can advance equitable solutions to create a more inclusive green economy. We will grow our network of Black and Brown entrepreneurs who can implement clean energy projects advancing economic equity.

How you can help

While the Green For All team is committed to pursuing ambitious goals in 2023 and beyond, we can’t do alone. Here are some ways you can get involved right now and be part of the solution: 

  1. Unlock money for clean energy projects by advocating for a National Green Bank. The EPA won’t move forward with this initiative without broad public support, so sign on before the December 5th deadline!
  2. Find common ground with someone you disagree with. Equitable climate solutions won’t happen unless we work together, which will require a culture shift away from hate & division and towards love & unity. You can be a part of that change by using our dialogues toolkit: 5 Steps for a Conversation Across Difference.
  3. Support minority-owned businesses. Whether it’s supporting our Green For All Business Council or carefully choosing where you shop this holiday season, you can uplift Black and Brown entrepreneurs and help build a more inclusive economy. 

Stay tuned for more ways to plug into our work by joining our mailing list below. The Green For All team is excited to have you on this change-making journey with us! 

The future starts with a dream.
The future starts with us.
A woman laughing